Improving Business Efficiency
For years now, Beakon has been supporting businesses in eliminating waste and raising efficiency. Working to better manage the ‘backend’ of your business – or simply, the bit the customer doesn’t see – is a fantastic way to trim down costs and run a more efficient business, where staff are best using their talents, rather than getting locked up in mundane tasks. This also means cost savings that can be passed on to a customer, or profits that can be used elsewhere.
Providing management, vehicle tracking, and cash solution systems, Beakon has been helping businesses looking to raise ‘lean operations’ where costs and losses are minimised. Our customers, namely directors, managers, and their end staff, have been able to raise profits through trimming expenses, as in many cases the solutions we provide pay for themselves.
GPS Tracking: These units typically pay for themselves after being able to identify unauthorised vehicle use by employees, as well as poor driving habits, such as longer routes being taken. All of these can be identified through our software system provided to clients.
Cash Solutions and Handling: For any business that handles cash, a lot of time is consumed counting cash registers, notes, and coins. By speeding up the process through electronic systems that are affordable, business owners almost always find these units also pay for themselves.
Employee time management systems: By allowing businesses to track those that work in the business, companies no longer have to worry about the issue of employees coming to work late, or going home early. By identifying just one employee who goes home 10 minutes early every week, a cost saving can be found for the business.